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All parents and family are welcome to share their angel story


Kimberleigh Joy Duncan

Gained her wings in 2022

"She is named after my mom’s best friend who passed from cancer.  I found out really early on and we did sneakpeak to know what we were having and it came back girl and we did a little gender reveal just the two of us, just shortly after is when I had my missed miscarriage and I did not know until my first ultrasound 3 weeks later. Once I found out, of course we were devastated and also discouraged to try again.  On 9/8/22 I had my procedure to remove my baby girl from my body she called home and she made her way to heaven to be with the angels just like her.  She was due 4/1/23 and I actually had her brother (angel baby) 9/4/23 but my due date was 9/8/23 so we know she is always with us. "

Elaina Torson

March 4th, 2024 - June 9th, 2024

"Elaina was born March 4, 2024. I was at my 20 week anatomy scan when I found out Elaina had CHD. I delivered her at 37 weeks at OHSU in Oregon, where she’d have her open heart surgery at almost 3 months old, May 28th was the day. That morning everything was going perfect, no issues, then we got a page and we were told a doctor wants to talk to us and everything was kind of a blur, my heart just dropped, I knew something was wrong. We were told she had to be placed on ECMO, where she fought hard for 12 long days, with many procedures done to her constantly. We got transferred to Seattle Children’s hospital about 3 days after her open heart surgery in hopes they’d be able to do more to help her. Unfortunately she gained her beautiful wings on June 9, 2024. She showed me her beautiful eyes the day before they unplugged her machines, and cut her ECMO cords. She was and still is the light of my life, and I hope she knows her family is so proud of her. She will forever be remembered, and loved and cared about. Mommy and daddy love you princess! "


Nikaya Ortiz

Gained her wings in 2021

"Nikaya was a very athletic girl and loved to play volleyball, run track but her favorites were playing soccer and tennis. Nikaya will be remembered for her Big Smile, it would light up a room. She had a big personality for such a little body. Nikaya loved being with family and friends"

Richard Nash III

November 14th, 2021 - August 31st, 2024

"Richard Bernard Nash III also called "Papa Tre or Tre" by his parents (Richard Nash Jr & Inèz Carter Nash) and close loved ones, was born November 14, 2021. Tre loved to sing musical notes with his mommy, walks alongside water, and pretending to drive with his dad while they ran errands together. He was very affectionate as a child and was never shy about expressing his big personality and feelings. 

Tre brought so many people joy, including  close friends and family. Tre will always be remembered as Inèz's twin child, who had firm boundaries inherited from his dad. 

To every parent experiencing this tragic experience, give yourself grace and space, to process the pain!"


Esmeralda Marie Lovell

Gained her wings in 2024

"My husband, Kyle, and I were so excited to have our first baby shortly after moving to Washington from Nevada. Being away from home and most of our family, our marriage and our connection to our sweet girl grew stronger. Our baby was so healthy and so active with the strongest kicks. She always made sure to let me know she was present. At our 40-week appointment, my husband, my mom and I learned that Esmé no longer had a heartbeat and she was born sleeping the next morning on September 19, 2024. She is deeply missed and forever remembered by her parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and her sweet cousins."

Aaliyah Faith Montano Saldivar

November 4th, 2024 - November 8th, 2024

"Aaliyah is a twin sister. Since the night she entered this world she came ready to fight as hard as she could and was not afraid to show off that feisty and sassy personality for such a little baby. Our doctors said it was a miracle she survived and fought as hard as she could in my womb. Our little angel gave all she could to be with us and gave us the best 4 days of life. Unfortunately she passed away due to a brain bleed that was too much on her little body. Her sister Analis will always be a part of her.She was so wished for and will forever be loved. "


Azim Asaju

August 3rd, 2013 - July 10th, 2023

"I remember cutting his cord right after I pushed him out and the joy i felt he's such a precious soul he was so happy and loved always laughing and playing with his brother he was so handsome and healthy he was in the 91 percentile just learning to take his first steps at 3 months he was already rolling around trying to crawl and just starting to eat food"


a slideshow made by mom on Youtube

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Hezikyah Sablan

August 28th, 2021 - November 4th, 2024

"Hezikyah Jay was a sweet and loving 3 year old.  He was autistic by very verbal & smart. He lived to sing his ABC's, head shoulders knees& toes. He loved Ms.Rachel & baby shark. He loved to plain rice, apples & broccoli!"


Kaleil Jones

August 3rd, 2013 - July 10th, 2023

"Kaleil is a sweet boy who spread happiness everywhere he went. He loved Spider-Man and His smile would brighten up the room. He loves to dance he was definitely the life of the party. I miss my real life Spider-Man"

Wylan Jay Caasi

August 18th, 2024 - September 22nd, 2024

"Wylan Jay Laxa Caasi, pregnancy with you was beautiful, magical, and miraculous. Kicks and silly interaction while in the womb gave us so much happiness and eagerness to meet you. On 8.18.24 you voiced your entrance with your precious cries. You stared at mommy and given her a connection she never felt before. She loves you so much. When daddy got to embrace you, he didn’t want to let go. He knew when looking at you that you were his and the love was so overwhelming. Though, your time was short, a parent’s intuition knows. Wylan Jay Laxa Caasi, our sweet first born whose presence made a powerful impact in our lives. Your beautiful good heart, your kind nature, and your innocent essence changed our lives. You are and will always be Edna Lynn and William’s son." 


Cashton Buckley

March 25th, 2008 - August 23rd, 2024

"Cashton was a magnificent sixteen year old boy! He had severe autism but his personality shined everyday. He was the light of his Mama's eyes and was his Daddy's "Little Bud" even though Cash was was turning into a big boy. He was loved and also cared for of by his brothers sisters who all understood what made him happy. 

Cashton loved everything Disney, Blue's Clues, Spongebob, and many other characters. He always had either his iPad or his Playstation playing with his controller in his hand where he would constantly rewind his favorite parts and watch them over and over again. He loved remote controls and almost always had at least one in his hand whether it worked or not. When watching those, he'd recite his favorite parts of the scripts repeating the lines out loud. His favorite time of the year was Christmas.  He would take ornaments that he liked off our tree and would carry them around. 

Cashton certainly left us way too soon. Our grief is immeasurable but we find some comfort knowing that Cashton is with Jesus in heaven celebrating God's glory constantly now.  His body and mind are now perfect and we know we are going to see him again someday. The outpouring of love and support we have received from family, friends, and even people we've never met before, to include Raise For Rowyn, has been very humbling and has touched us very deeply.  

We love you Cashton. You are and always will be loved and missed by us. "Big buds...Little buds," "There".

Adalynn Swafford

April 19th, 2021 - June 7th, 2024

"Adalynn was a beautiful girl. she was in the NICU directly after birth. diagnosed with cystic fibrosis and then passed away at 3 weeks old."


Arcelo Minely Gamez Carrazco

March 9th, 2024 - May 18th, 2024

"He was light of life I know he was just two months when he passed but he was such the happiest baby and he was such a mommy boy"

Cyer Roberson

April 19th, 2021 - June 7th, 2024

"Cyer was a very happy joyful little boy. There was never a doil moment being around Cyer. Cyer loved being around his mother and father that's all he wanted is to be around both of his parents. He was a silly young man kept everyone laughing."


Rowan Pritchard

June 12th, 2024 - June 12th, 2024

"My sweet baby boy was born sleeping on June 12th and he was so handsome and he was beautiful. He was born weighing 11 pounds 5.3 ounces and 20 inches long. He was my 4th baby. He has two sisters and one brother."

Francisco Valine

October 20th, 2021 - June 9th, 2024

"He was a happy little boy even though he had HLHS and lung disease and was oxygen dependent he always had a smile in his face living his best life he love to sing Coco melon songs he love dinosaurs and he was a fan of cars Francisco always like to go for walks to go out and explore even though he was limited but every chance he got he would love it he love to eat banana he was G tube feed but he was learning how to eat Francisco love his family with all his heart he always made sure to show love to everyone who interact with him my baby had love for everyone.

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Mercedes Gilroy

February 17th, 2010 - April 24th, 2024

"Mercedes was a miracle baby. When I was 21, I was told I would never have kids. It was a devastating blow, but I learned to accept it. Then, when I was 38, I found out that I was 12 weeks pregnant with what would be my only child. The news was a shock, but it was the best kind of shock. Mercedes saved her momma. She came along and gave me purpose, a reason to keep going even when life seemed impossible. She was her Papa's pride and joy, and man, did she change her grandpa from a grumpy guy to the giant teddy bear ever. She was a bright soul to many. She was the life of the party, and she had infectious joy and excitement for everything; she made all those around her smile. I remember one time when we were camping, she befriended a family from a neighboring campsite and spent the entire weekend playing games and sharing stories with them. Mercedes made friends everywhere she went, whether it was camping, staying in a hotel, or even walking down the road; she went out of her way to make a buddy and make everyone feel included. She never met a stranger; this was exemplified throughout the friends that she made at other schools while playing sports. She played basketball and volleyball, and her favorite sport was Track and Field, where she threw the shot put, discus, and javelin. She loved to swim in the lake, river, and ocean, most of all in the hotel pool; that girl was a mermaid on land. Her life impacted everyone around her, and for good reason, she was a bright light. Mercedes also loved Jesus and made that known to anyone she met. Music was always on, no matter where she was: in the car, her ear, or even the shower. She attended Queets Clearwater Middle School and was set to graduate in the 8th grade this year."

Aura Gladney

October 13th, 2023 - March 12th, 2024

"Aura Moon Gladney was born to her parents Twazae and Jessica on October 13, 2023 at 10:13 AM at Trios Hospital in Kennewick Washington. She is the youngest of 14. Eliyjah, KaBella, Legend, Dream, Halo, Talayjah, Twazae Jr, ZaeVion, King, SaMyah, Trey, Nyzaiah and Hakeem.


She came into this world a little fighting soldier from the moment she arrived. While mom and dad thought it would be a normal day in the delivery room like before, they got the surprise of their life when they got checked in and 10 minutes later Jessica was rushed away for an emergency c-section.


Thankfully the amazing and quick wit staff at Trios saved Jessica and Aura that morning. Aura was sent to the nursery and put on oxygen and Mom and Dad were told that she would be in there for a minimum of a week but not to get their hopes up. By the next day Aura proved everyone wrong and was in the room with Mommy and Daddy. All of the staff said what a miracle and strong little baby girl she was. They were all amazed. And called her birth a complete divine intervention. 


For whatever reason earlier that morning Halo woke up early trying to wake up her mom and dad. And she just wouldn't go back to sleep like she normally would. Jessica asked Halo multiple times to please lay down so they could all get some rest but Halo had other plans. She was jumping and hitting her mom to wake her up. Thankfully she did. Because of Halo they were able to make it to the hospital in time and save Aura & Mommy. Twazae and Jessica both agreed that his late brother Davion was definitely behind Halo waking up Her mom that day. 


With everything that happened that Friday the 13th, they knew they had to have a special, strong name the resonated with the universe. While Daddy chose Aura. Big brother Legend kept calling her Moon. And Thus came Aura Moon Gladney. 

In Aura's short 5 months with us earth side, She left a lasting impact on all who knew her. She loved to be held at all times by mommy and daddy. She loved her parents and her siblings immensely. Her smile and sweet coos could light up anyone's heart and any room. She really was the happiest little baby girl full of love and light. She was strong, she was smart, she was so beautiful and most importantly she was so very loved. 

Although Aura's time with us may have been cut tragically short, the essence of her spirit has been woven into the fabric of our lives indelibly. 


Thank you, Aura Moon, for being our angel, our light, and our inspiration. We will love you and honor you, forever and always. May you rest in peace, our dearest Aura, knowing that your spirit will forever dance in our hearts."


Peyton Broussard

December 16th, 2023 - March 9th, 2024

"Peyton was small but mighty, with eyes that twinkled like stars. A calm and gentle baby that would look up for your embrace and rejoice in your comfort. Peyton had an independent attitude and made sure his twin brother Paxton was okay! He loved lights, color, and enjoyed having long conversations. Our hearts ache for him, and we miss him terribly! "

Braxton VanOrtwick-Headlee

Gained his wings in 2022

Braxton was so full of smiles, He left behind three older sibling." 


Navey Johnson

January 21, 2023 - March 23, 2023

“She was the happiest baby. She put a smile on everyone’s face. We are so lucky to be her mommy and daddy. Not a day goes by that we don’t cherish every moment we got to spend with her. Forever in our hearts baby girl.”

Harlie DesArmo

April 2, 1998 - August 19, 2013

“Harlie was 15 years old. She was a 4 sport athlete, loved Jesus, was friends with everyone and was on a road of success.


Harlie and our other daughter Courtney were hit by a car right outside our driveway. Courtney survived and Harlie lost her life.


We have started a nonprofit called Harlie’s Angles where we help teens in need through Harlie’s memories.”


Dallas Nelson

February 22nd, 2019 - February 23rd, 2019

Dallas Renee was dealt a hard route from the beginning. She was officially diagnosed with trisomy 18, which is a chromosome abnormality that is labeled not compatible with life. Though it has been our hardest journey yet Dallas blessed us with 35 amazing hours. She met her big brother, her aunts, uncles and grandparents. She spent time with just her parents and we lived those moments to the fullest. Dallas still directs my eyes to the clock at 2:22 (her birthday and angel number) and sends butterflies almost daily. I am eternally grateful she picked us to be hers. 

Rylee Frankfurt

May 9th, 2019 - June 11th, 2019

"Rylee was born 11 weeks early. She made her arrival on May 9th, 2019 at Tacoma General and spent 33 days in the NICU there. During that time she over came many different odds. Doctors said that she wouldn't make it through the first night. She was born with Kagami-Ogata Syndrome; which is a microdeletion of chromosome 13. She beat the odds by living and fighting for 33 days. She loved being the center of attention, hated having her feet tickled or even touched. Rylee enjoyed having her picture taken and showing off her bow of the day. She joined her grandma on June 11th 2019 after a long and hard battle fought. "

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Dignity Memorial - Community Sponsor

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PO Box 631

Tenino WA 98589


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