Search By Year
Alphabetical by first name

Marysville, WA

Greenly, CO

Vadar, WA

Jonesboro, GA

Edmonds Phoenix, AZ

Centralia, WA

Tri Cities, WA

Winlock, WA

Corona, CA

Sheridan, OR

Centralia, WA

Bolivar, TN

Toledo, WA

Centralia, WA

Custer, WA

Sunnyside, WA

Salem, OR

Centralia, WA

Olympia, WA Kyla's every photo beams with her infectious smile. An Olympia High School Sophomore, Kyla was diagnosed with an inoperable high-grade glioma tumor and a teenage girl's life that was once filled with sports, music and friends quickly shifted to hospital stays, chemotherapy and radiation. Over the course of her 17-month fight, Kyla fought the only way she knew how, with fire in her heart and a smile on her face. On September 18th, 2015, Kyla acquired her wings.

Phoenix, AZ

Adna, WA

Port Orchard WA

Myrtle Beach, NC

Winlock, WA

SeaTac, WA

Covington, WA

Salem, OR

Onalaska, WA

Olympia, WA

Kennewick, WA

Mabton, WA